Pursuing His Voice the Journey to the Kingdom

Pursuing His Voice the Journey to the Kingdom

Pursuing His Voice the Journey to the Kingdom

Pursuing his voice, the Journey to the Kingdom is a fantasy version of true-to-life events in the life of our main character. From the time of his youth, Lerrad was easily influenced. This became a problem as he was coerced into going places and doing things unhealthy for him. As we follow the story, we find that nothing could impart happiness until he was invited on a journey that changed everything. I invite you to read this book with an open mind and an expectant heart. We all know someone, if not ourself, who has been struggling through life, wandering around like a cork in the water, tossed about with things beyond our control. The forces around us seem to make it impossible to accomplish what we want to in life. In this little story, things and people in his life influence Lerrad beyond his control. Addictions, among most, are something that transpires and usually without anyone even noticing what happened. It starts so innocently, and then morphs into a monster we cannot fight on our own. The author hopes you may see a small part of yourself in Lerrad and see that change is possible. Are you ready to embark on a trek you will never forget? Are you prepared for your journey to the kingdom?

Areas Covered


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Rom 8:31  What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?

"Changing the world one heart at a time."

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